For example 6 of my project 3 set, the drawing tool program from project 2 is transferred over to p5js. In order to do this, I first had to go through and change any commands that were not the same in p5js. For example, "void" becomes "function." There were lots of changes that had to be made, so using the inspect function on the browser, I looked for the errors listed and fixed them on the code. I added an additional two brushes, which included a pig and a frog brush. I used the same frame of using functions with arguments to create these.
play example 6 in p5For project 3, we had to make a clock that showed the time of something other than a normal clock showing how the day passes. I created a clock showing the cycle of when my dog needs to used the bathroom. He goes out to use the bathroom at 9 AM, 12 PM, 3 PM, 6 PM, 9 PM, and 12 AM, so at those times, a poop illustration pops up for ten seconds. At 4 PM, the sky changes to a dark purple to represent night time. This lasts until 7 AM, and the sky becomes blue again. The different dogs represent different measurements of time. The bottom represents seconds. The middle dog represents minutes. The top dog represents the hours.
play project 3 in p5