float randr = 0; float randg = 0; float randb = 0; float a = 0; float x = 0; float inc = TWO_PI/10.0; int counter = 0; void setup() { size(800, 800); background(255, 174, 237); stroke(255, 183, 235 ); strokeWeight(2); smooth(); frameRate(5); //colorMode(HSB, 255, 255, 255); //Float a = 0.0; //float inc = TWO_PI/10.0; //println(" The inc = " + inc); //stroke(30, 99, 29); for (int i=0; i<800; i+=5) { //line(i, 800, 400, sin(a)*60.0); // println(" The angle = " + a + "The sin = " + sin(a)); a = a + inc; } } void draw() { for (int i = 0; i < 800; i += 40) { for (int j = 0; j < 800; j += 40) { randr = random(250); randg = random(250); randb = random(250); fill(randr, randg, randb); stroke(255); rect( i+10, j+10, 20, 20, 5 ); //yellow ellipse strokeWeight(1); stroke(48, 59, 193); fill(255, 210, 91); ellipse(0, counter, width - random(200), 60); //orange stroke(180, 35, 134); strokeWeight(2); fill(255, 153, 91); ellipse(counter, 0, 50, height - random(500)); //red strokeWeight(1); stroke(54, 116, 60 ); fill(199, 0, 57); ellipse(800, counter, width - random(-200), 60); //purple strokeWeight(1); stroke(255, 240, 89) ; fill(156, 100, 211); ellipse(counter, 800, 50, height - random(-500)); //pink strokeWeight(1); stroke(109, 246, 255); fill(255, 0, 120 ); ellipse(800, 800, height - random(500), counter); if (counter > height) { //background(255,174,237); counter = 0; } else { counter+=7; //sin code start float s = sin(a); //background(255*s, 205, 248); fill(255) ; rect(10, x, 150, sin(a)*100, 50); rect(350, x+100, 150, sin(a)*100, 50); rect(600, x-100, 150, sin(a)*100, 50); rect(200, x-300, 150, sin(a)*100, 50); rect(500, x-500, 150, sin(a)*100, 50); a-=.01; x+=.05; fill(255, 222, 87); stroke(0); ellipse(s*50+x, s*50+x, 100, 100); } } } }